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Just Do It!

I have a story about dog training. A friend of mine went to one of those places where you have a few drinks with friends while everyone learns to paint a picture. My friend isn’t a painter. As a matter of fact, she hasn’t painted since she was forced to during her art class days in high school. She didn’t like it then and never tried it afterward. Her painting was pretty good when all was said and done. With the instructors help everyone in their class was able to learn and try out a few techniques and become a little better than they were before the class. It wasn’t a masterpiece and I doubt it will be hung on any wall but she had a great time and has been back with her friends several times since.

So, how is this about dog training? So many clients tell me they want to do something else with their dogs but don’t because they don’t know if they or their dog would be good at it or if they or the dog will like it. But being good at something and liking it are really secondary to what these people want. They want to do something with their dog. My recommendation is always to just pick something and do it. You’ll probably like it because there will be built in rewards- my friend had wine and other friends with a piece of art she could show off afterward- and you’ll be spending time together with your dog giving out lots of praise, treats and love and getting back even more love in return. In the end, you’ll be just a little better at something than before you took the class. If it turns out the activity is not for you then you can switch to something else. If you like it you can keep going, taking higher level classes and maybe earning titles and ribbons. But you will never regret the time you spent with your dog learning something new and having fun.

In case youneed some ideas, upcoming classes include a Basic Tricks Class, Flyball, Loose Leash Walking, Agaility Foundation and 2 new Basic Obedience Classes. Call us at 713.468.7877 to register.

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